The Book
The Splendid Table - Recipes from Emilia-Romagna, the Heartland of Northern Italian Food, Lynne Rossetto Kasper, 1992
The Contender
Corporate copy writer by day, amateur cook and inebriated sourpuss by night, Kate Rusciano needed help. Young enough to think there's got to be something more, but old enough to know that nothing worth while comes easy and that kids should generally stay off her lawn, she was looking for something meaningful, something that would inevitably cause hilarity and personal growth...she has no intention of setting herself up to fail any more than she might on a regular day, so she will not commit to finishing the entire book in a year, but rather will aspire to finish sometime around her wedding (unless he snaps and hits the bricks after one of many late, and possibly failed dinners to come) just in time to visit Emilia-Romagna on their honeymoon in the fall of 2010.
Tonight's meal is Spaghetti con Gamberoni e Olive Nere or Spaghetti with Shrimps and Black Olives. I was going to do Tortelloni with Artichoke and Mascarpone, but LRK says plainly that this is not a dish to be whipped up after work. I am going to start with something not quite so intimidating, and we'll just have to see what turns out.
I'm feeling very happy and motivated with my giant shrimp with shell intact (since you reduce the shells to flavor the sauce), carrying my over-filled Cosco box into the house (forgive me, but i'm going to need a LOT of unsalted butter and stewed romas for this project) and ready to start my Quick Stock....all is a go, I am poised and looking forward to that giant glass of vino...
Oh. Wait. Something smells...not right. Bryan picked TONIGHT, at 8 p.m. before dinner's even been PREPPED, to completely deface his kennel. He shat EVERYWHERE in there. I would use the term "pooped" or "had an accident" but naw, he SHAT....he shat it up good. Nobody panic, this is what hot water and disinfectant were made for. Clearly it was more upsetting for our little guy than it is for us. Can you imagine being forced to lay snuggly next to your leavings for two hours? Good thing I got him some beef pet bones at Kowalski's as a special treat!
Tonight's sous chefs are:
Libby "Just the Tip" Abdo
P.J. "Saint Patrick of the Rose-Cheeks" Besinger
Special Guest:
McKenna "Eat Pasta Out of My Adorable Dimples" Flynn (yet to arrive, but like Gandalf, she arrives precisely when she means to)
Stay tuned.
Also, for my birthday I need a cook book holder. Just sayin'. (I know you're reading this, mom)
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