Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Poor Neglected Abandoned Blog (shakes head regretfully)

Welp, what can I say? TST is HARD! Perhaps I was high when I stole this idea from the major motion picture, but I remain steadfast in the fact that it was a great idea and it will continue...with a few modifications.

1. I am going to cook from TST and blog about it but I'm ALSO going to cook from non-TST and blog about it.

Let's be clear: it's not at ALL that I have stopped cooking. I haven't. I couldn't if I tried lest I wither and fade. It is my stress-reliever, my heart-mender, my extra energy-channeler and I need it to stay sane and pleasant. Since my latest post, I've made baked pastas, mini pecan pies, papardella with tomatoes and chickpeas, fig and blue cheese-stuffed pork tenderloin, white chicken chili, several batches of Nutella cookies (some failed, some wonderful, all still somehow magically edible and delicious), and most recently, a big batch of the Rusciano family calzone, as dictated by Phil. It was a success though not nearly as good as his and for every person who asked me for the recipe, I issued my deepest regrets and told them that I'd gladly give them my dad's phone number so that they could personally contact him for it.

The issue is that I haven't had the time/energy/spirit to write much. I write stuff all day long and so in my down time, the last thing I want to do is be hammering away at a computer screen (though I do it plenty with Facebook, but that doesn't take nearly as much work). I would rather be cooking, reading, taking a bath, working out, watching Intervention, etc. So....

2. I'm going to recommit to posting once a week. The only person I'm truly beholden to is me on this, so save your eye rolls for your mama.

3. If I don't post once a week, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. If I screw up yet another TST recipe, them's the breaks. If I post about all things non-food related, well, it's my blog and that's the beauty of free will.

4. If there are typos, there are typos. I get paid to make sure there are no typos in my riveting health insurance articles (and there are still typos) but I do not get paid to blog (yet?), so I'm going to post without taking so f-ing long to revise, edit, proof for typos, etc. (only to find typos that I missed, then I'm angry, then I melt down, then P.J. gives me my pills and I'm fine)
In a nutshell, it takes me twenty minutes to write the blog and then hours to proof, edit and revise it, sooooo we have to pick our battles here and just write and post and you'll all understand if it's a hot mess. You are what you write, after all.

So what's new? I spent a wonderful and relaxing week in Portland with Shana, Megan, Daynia and the crew out there. We did little more than eat, drink, shop, watch the boys do funny things, sleep, repeat. Those two year olds are free entertainment (free for me anyways) and making them say funny things is as easy as saying it once and telling them to say it. "Yummy beans!" was run into the ground after eating copious amounts of edamame with them (which I'm sure made for interesting "results" and I'm not sure why I wasn't forced to do diaper duty but you don't look a gift diaper in the mouth, or something). Riley and Wilson are THRIVING and HAPPY and DANGEROUSLY cute. They love their 'nana' Gabriela, which they have in common with the rest of us because she is amazing. She's SO calm and loving. She gives back rubs and speaks in low, soothing tones and I could only HOPE to be as patient, organized and peacful as she is when caring for two rascals. They have taken to fighting a bit too and the parents and Gabby are so good at catching it before it gets bad. I don't even pick up on the signs, but they all do and we laughed about how sneaky they both are. It's like they've got it almost figured out that if they make no noise and show no outward signs of anger (give no warning), they can get a good pinch or slap in before it's broken up. Brilliant. That's where I always went wrong in the many, many street fights I've gotten into. I come in yelling and swearing so the adversay hears me approaching....I need to be quiet, like snake, and attack when it's least expected. Thank you, Riley and Wilson, for teaching me this invaluable rule of combat.

Other than that, the holidays are here, people are coming home to Minneapolis and the annual raucousness at the Flynns will be in full swing. It's like the childhood Christmas of my dreams, but in St. Paul and with all of my favorite people drinking homemade Baileys and Sangria (a good mix, despite your first thoughts and Sangria is ALWAYS apprpriate, even in the dead of winter). The Flynn parties have become an absolute staple of my holiday cheer, and I'm ready to bring it to the next level of fun this time around. It won't be the same without pupper Lilly-bear, but she has gone to the great cozy couch in the sky and we'll cheers her sweet little soul many times this Christmas.

Our tree is up, the dog is still alive, we are enjoying our fireplace almost nightly and P.J. and I are working our butts off day and night to save for the wedding. I really need to get serious about planning after Christmas. I have the caterer, the photographer, the venue, my a/v guy (my nephew Mark), my day-of coodinator (Saint Sarah Dallum...thank ye universe for her in our lives) and that's about it. The dress isn't chosen, the music is up in the air, the officiant is TBD and the rest of it sits on a list ready to be tackled. Pray for me now and in the hour of my stress. (though I'm committed to this being as stress-free as possible, what bride DOESN'T say that?)

"Bride." Hmmmm. "Bride." I'M THE BRIDE! Ok, that felt good if a bit surreal. Seems like we've still got plenty of time but the next ten months are going to fly.

I just realized that I didn't put any garlic in the calzone. That's what was missing. There aren't words for how dumb that is, but it was really very good without it and I can add it to the leftover filling that's in the fridge and is intended for this Friday's party with our favorite politician in the making, Marion Greene. Kristen and I are off to lovely St. Paul for a fabulous little suare. Kristen is the "talent" having agreed to tickle the ivory (the guests are so lucky) and I'll try not to drown her out with my drunken holiday howling. Saturday is another annual Xmas bash at Seamus and Tammy's that I hope to get to and then Sunday is the usual....prepping for the week, dog park, cooking something great and being cozy with my fiance and whatever pals can join us. This past Sunday was dinner and our favorite Xmas movies and I'm not sure how they did it, but Christmas Vacation, Elf and Eight Crazy Nights NEVER get old. NEVER. I personally think ECN is a masterpiece. Kenna, Kristen, P.J. and I sat eating and laughing and crying from laughing and just generally having a perfect evening....and a perfect Sunday evening is always a nice way to get ready for a long, worky week.

Speaking of, I've got to run. A dreaded workout and Broders this evening are on the docket!

Ahhhh, there. You can stop haunting my dreams now, blog.